設計理念:bruce yang & poi 現任服飾品牌 hot heart 創意設計師,因與現任 hot heart 創意總監黃小柔一拍即合,因而造就 hot heart,隨著女性潮流意識抬頭而誕生,以貼心女性身材而設計,街頭潮流結合時尚為重點,以潮流名牌中較平價的大眾化入門等級,讓所有想要於衣著上表現獨有特色的女性,以個性為出發點,成功加深品牌印象,烘托女性個性化拼接的青春街頭時尚。
pixostyle is a team of open-minded, energetic and creative young entrepreneurs who persuades uncommon and stylish designed products for our fans. our talented artists are from taiwan, japan, hong-kong and argentina. we love to embraces innovation and offers original artwork with the sole intention of satisfying your desires. due to the strong affection for environment, spare no efforts to reduce the pollutions and waste in manufacturing processes and package. we do believe in excellent products may made by our hand, but truly uniqueness inspired from our heart.
clean, less inks; recycle, reusable materials; light, decrease packaging. hundred products of pixostyle every year are manufactured for less pollution and environmental issue. more resources we save, more beautiful surroundings we can have. if you like our idea, please support us by buying low polluted and less packing merchandise. let us enjoy the benefits from high technology and never forget to cherish our motherland - la terre.
PIXOSTYLE iPhone 3GS 個性潮流彩殼 BRUCE YANG &...990 元 搶好康!買再送市價 690 元霧面保護殼魅力風格最前線,粉絲追捧設計款色彩亮眼超鮮豔,觸感細膩最頂級PIXOSTYLE 原廠保護殼,品質...